We are each fractals of God who chose to live in this Divine Simulation

Jared Gold
15 min readJan 16, 2023


My unifying theory of reality/spirituality — no religion required

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Some context:

  • I completely believe that there are countless paths to the same core Truth/Revelation — no ideology or religion is more “right” than another.
  • I do not consider myself some kind of spiritual teacher or guru. I am solely a seeker and curator of all kinds of perspectives.
  • I don’t claim to know all of this with absolute certainty and I could be totally wrong.
  • I am currently writing a book where I curate the laws of the Universe by interviewing some of the world’s most successful and well-regarded people, and sharing other hopefully-insightful perspectives on my podcast.

[I might continue to update this post down the road with additional links to cited credible sources]

The Summary of My Belief System

We are each individual fractals of God playing hide-and-seek with Itself.

[God = a larger and infinitely powerful + benevolent underlying force through which all is connected. It does not have to mean an old white dude in the sky; “Source,” “The Universe,” Infinite Intelligence,” “The Simulation”…whatever]

We chose to incarnate into our exact circumstances (into all of our exact circumstances, from families to various occurrences that will happen) for the joy of creation and the expansion of the universe — and ultimately to remind ourselves of our own divinity (via our creative power manifested in our own authentic + unique ways).

We’re all playing our individual parts on this cosmic stage. We each have a destiny and lessons we’ve planned for ourselves to experience in this life that are all equally important. We are perfectly wired to handle all of our experiences.

What we perceive as reality with our five senses isn’t “real.” Science has proven that 99.999% of all matter is empty space.

Instead, we are living in some kind of Divine Simulation, as if we are wearing some sort of VR headset, that streams our reality to us based on the data from our minds (thoughts and beliefs) — which we can consciously change at any time. Our outer world (physical reality) is merely a reflection of our inner world (inner thoughts/feelings/beliefs).

In short: we get what we think about.

What is the nature of reality? How does it work and do we have any control over it?

Science is now proving what ancient mystics and cultures have said for ages.

Reality is not what it seems.

In fact, this is what the 2022 Nobel Prize was won over — that the “Universe is not locally real” — e.g. explained via this Reddit post.

What do we perceive as reality? I believe it’s some sort of a Divine Simulation.

Scientists have proven that everything is 99.9999% energy — and thus empty space).

(For proof Google “everything is 99.9999% energy” and countless credible articles will come up)

“If everything is 99.9999% energy/empty space…but everything seems so solid…do my senses deceive me?!”

Let’s take it a step further.

Science has also proven that it is our awareness/consciousness/attention that collapses this wave of energy into a particle with an exact location. It is our minds turn potential energy into physical mass.

(For proof, Google “consciousness collapses the wave function”)

Therefore, our reality — the physical world that our senses are experiencing and interacting with — is created merely through our consciousness.

The world is malleable to our will. Our reality is negotiable.

How does one put a metaphor to the unfathomable; that basically nothing is actually real, and our reality is like a personal lucid dream?

It is like we are all wearing a VR headset (an extremely convincing one that we can’t tell we’re wearing!).

And this invisible VR headset is streaming our reality non-stop to us. Our thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) and feelings are the input data to stream our reality to us.

That would make the reality that we are experiencing merely a relic of the past; a museum of our past thoughts and feelings. When we dwell on that state of affairs, we are simply re-streaming it all to us.

We can also think of our personal reality as an infinite house of mirrors. Every person, thing, and situation that comes into our lives are merely reflections of our thoughts and beliefs (both good and bad).

I had a truly profound vision of this a few years ago, where I found myself floating in space. And no matter where I looked, a crystal spires that were mirrors instantly rose out of the ground. Instead of seeing off into the distance, I could only see my own reflection. Every time I turned my head, another would instantly arise out of the ground. I could never see what was beyond my own reflection from the spires.

So how should we use our mind?

The mind’s job and its nature is to be a non-stop running machine to think the thoughts that feed our invisible VR headset that stream our reality to us.

The mind is very suggestible, so let’s use that in our favor, and feed the machine by choosing the best thoughts possible. If you tell yourself a new thought enough times, the mind eventually has no choice but to accept it as true/inevitable.

Our brain serves as an antenna / magnet that attracts to us that which validates our persistent thoughts.

To change our stream of reality (what we attract into our lives), we must change our thoughts and beliefs.

When negative thoughts come into our minds, ideally we notice them, and then cut them off from our attention. When we starve them of the energy and attention that they crave, they wither away into the abyss from which they came. “Where attention goes, energy flows,” as the saying goes.

If we’re just canceling negative thoughts, that’s just half of the equation. The mind machine is still running and needs to be fed. It has to serve its job of streaming our reality to us!

So in the tiny amount of time where there’s some level of blank space in your mind after canceling a negative thought…you can force-feed your mind a better thought. It doesn’t have to be a perfect one, just a better one that aligns with what you do want. This is the same mechanism for the popular practice of writing/saying affirmations.

With affirmations, we don’t have to believe any of them yet. Our only job is to relentlessly repeat them; eventually our mind and being will accept them as truth.

No matter how good we get with this practice, negative thoughts always have the chance to arise. But we can be more vigilant at noticing them, saying “cancel” (even out loud), and instantly replacing them with better thoughts, which according to the laws of the Universe, will change what comes into our lives. That begins to rewire our brains to get into the habit of defaulting to positive thoughts instead of negative ones.

When our magnetic mind is running off of the good fuel of thoughts we feel are positive, a better reality that reflects these thoughts + beliefs will stream to us. This is Universal Law.

We can use think about it in such ways as “we get what we think about” or in regards to the “Law of Attraction” (the essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn).

If we don’t like what is transpiring in our physical reality, we can trace it back to the thoughts that we are feeding to our non-stop running mind machine antennas.

If we keep attracting unsavory people, circumstances, professional opportunities, etc., we can pause and ask ourselves: “Hold on — what past circumstances or beliefs is this reminding me of?”

We can unconsciously attract what is ‘familiar’ — even if it’s unwanted. When we become aware of these patterns, we can then deliberately choose a better reality.

We can step back at any point and say “Hm, I don’t like this in my reality, here’s a better thought that I can feed my mind — and let my mind infinitely spin it inside of it and gain momentum — to serve as the antenna to bring it to me).”

Our external reality is only as good as the thoughts we use to power it.

When the mind tortures us — and it inevitably will — we can remind ourselves that the mind is merely a record of the past (as Dr. Joe Dispenza explains). It has no real knowledge of the future.

The mind is a tool for imagining/visioning, analyzing, and measuring, yet it does not know. Knowing comes from a deeper place inside of us.

There’s a reason that basically every single pro athlete, along with countless high-performing people, engage in the practice of visualizing. It not only wires us to be more skilled/prepared for our future (e.g. as proven in this study), but it accelerates attracting our ideal reality to us.

The mind is merely a tool and servant to help us actualize the dreams, desires, and wisdom/intuition buried deep within us; it is not a servant that we obey. It is a non-stop reality-actualization machine. A non-stop factory for our desires — but we are the only ones in charge of feeding our own machine.

As Eckhart Tolle, one of the most prolific spiritual teachers of our time, says:

“Be the silent watcher of your thoughts and behavior. You are beneath the thinker. You are the stillness beneath the mental noise. You are the love and joy beneath the pain.”

We are not the mind-machine, but the operator of the machine.

We are neither our thoughts nor our mind, but the observer; the consciousness behind it all.

Nearly every single person on this earth — myself included — is in a state of non-stop amnesia, where we’re regularly forgetting that we can take a step back and realize that we are the observers of our thoughts and the operators of our minds.

It’s easy to be unconscious and fall asleep at the control panel (like a lazy employee falling asleep on the job).

The machine can go haywire at a moment’s notice, we’re not observing what is being fed into our reality-generating VR, possibly allowing negative or old thoughts. If that becomes habitual, those will show up in our reality.

If we are regularly unconscious at the control panel of our thoughts:

  1. It will run off of past memories (because our brain is a record of the past).
  2. The past will repeat itself (in the form of new yet frustratingly similar experiences).
  3. We will likely assume that our past is our destiny.

If we don’t like our current reality, we have the entirety of the resources of the Universe at our disposal, and we can force-feed our minds our dream thoughts to put that magical magnetic antenna to work.

So what about emotions? And feelings? How do we feel better? Because how we feel is also communicating to the Universe what to bring into our reality.

Outside of our thoughts, our emotions and feelings do control our reality.

Good news: our emotions, very often, are merely chemical responses that are reflections of our physical state. We have immense power in changing our physical state (via healthy habits and self-care practices; grabbing a healthy snack, taking a break, going for a walk, texting a friend, finding better lighting, not consuming low-quality information).

E-motion = energy in motion.

After we’ve taken care of our physical and self-care needs, we can better assess if our emotions are fleeting or are indeed the truth of our soul (thank you to my friend Sarah on the wording of that).

My thoughts get way more negative and aggressive when I’ve been looking at screens too much, sitting too long, I haven’t eaten, etc. I can quickly and easily fix my physical state.

When our simple physical needs like that are taken care of, it’s so much easier to be an effective operator in the control room of our minds.

What is ‘God’?

We don’t know exactly what “God” is. And many people have very valid aversions to that word. Some people say “Source” or “Universe.”

I believe that God is the omniscient, omnipotent, and all-knowing, energy/being of infinite love for us that connects everything (which is why, in fact, God could be a software program of sorts)!

I do not, however, believe that God is a judgmental old white dude on a heavenly throne with an elaborate checklist.

What is our relationship to ‘God’? Why are we here?

Because I believe that God is all-encompassing, we are therefore always connected to and inseparable from God.

I don’t identify with a specific religion, but to quote the Bible: “I and the Father are one.”

To take it a step further, I believe that we are each actually individual fractals of God playing hide-and-seek with Itself [to quote philosopher Alan Watts].

We are one of the infinite version/aspect of God — manifesting itself onto the physical plane — to witness Itself in creation — and, in our own unique way, to contribute to the expansion of the Universe.

As children, we have a natural inclination to be care-free, playful, imaginative, and authentically ourselves.

As we get older, we become conditioned by life, society, and the people around us. Tricked into believing that we are something we’re not. Those that love us may have our best interests at heart, but they are sometimes our greatest [accidental] tricksters.

It is our personal responsibility to shed those many layers of illusions that we have donned to discover who we really are. To reveal and allow our own aspect of God within.

Since we are part of God/God is part of us, we have an inherent divinity that can never be taken from us. Our mere existence validates our worthiness for our dreams + desires.

If we weren’t worthy, that would mean God isn’t worthy. God is omniscient and omnipotent; It doesn’t make mistakes. There is a divine plan for everyone.

How did we get here?

Prior to earth, while in the spirit realm (a place where we have infinite perspective and love), we not only chose to incarnate, but also chose many of the specifics of our daring journey.

We chose our life circumstances, our challenges, and even our family (through what are known as ‘soul contracts’). We chose to wire ourselves with the skills/talents needed to triumph over those challenges.

It was all orchestrated perfectly for us to live joyfully, achieve our destiny, and learn the lessons that we wanted to learn in this lifetime.

And again, life is a cosmic game of hide-and-seek where we discover/re-discover our own divinity. Every situation, especially the challenging ones, serve to eventually awaken us to this realization. To prompt us to remind ourselves that us and God are inseparable.

As hard as it is to believe, life is always happening for us. It is always unfolding perfectly, even if sometimes it seems the opposite. But it only seems the opposite because we have an extremely limited perspective in our human form with our human senses.

Take a look around. Remember that 99.9999% of our world is empty space. Who are we to accurately assess what is reality?!

So what is our job on earth?

Because we are inseparable from God, we are perfect. We chose everything and designed ourselves perfectly (with infinite love and infinite perspective).

Therefore, our only job in this life is to be an authentic expression of ourselves — because that’s how God wants to express Itself through us. To be who we came here to be. To uncover our divine uniqueness within us. To own all of our parts and aspects. As Eckhart Tolle says, we are each many strands of consciousness woven together.

The process of being a human might be more accurately described as not “becoming” something, but instead:

  • Getting clear on who we truly are at our core,
  • Shedding everything that is not authentically us,
  • Watering the unique seed of greatness buried within us from birth,
  • And then allowing the greatness within that seed to unfold into the fullness that has always been destined to become.

The world inevitably will challenge us to dim our light and Divine nature. But that’s the point. For we are God playing hide and seek with Itself. These challenges are a critical part of such a game.

Where do our dreams, desires, and talents come from — and what do we do with them?

Our dreams and desires are how God wants to express Itself through us in our physical realm. Our dreams and desires are part of our divine nature.

In the mind of God, no one person or goal is better than another. They all serve a critical purpose to expand the Universe. We’re all equal and perfect. If one person’s deepest desire is to open a bakery and another person’s deepest desire is to cure cancer, both of those desires are equally as noble.

Our authentic desires/dreams and our personal definition of success cannot be argued with by anyone else. It is ours by Divine Right. Our sovereignty and freedom of choice is indisputable.

Which also means that we are not to interfere with the sovereignty of others, no matter how much we might disagree with their choices.

Our authentic desires are what would we do/have/be — for the mere joy of doing it or the pursuit — if we already felt loved/safe/’enough.’

What would we do/have/be/pursue — and love doing — without the attachment to an exact end result?

Our creativity and uniqueness are how we naturally express ourselves.

When we’re following those feelings in a way that’s authentic to us, it doesn’t feel like we’re ‘trying to do’ anything, but more like allowing what naturally wants to pour out of us. This is one reason that our gifts or superpowers don’t seem special.

We ask ourselves: “This feels easy. Surely others can do this; this can’t be special. Success requires martyrdom!”

We are not “Sinners in the hands of an angry God.” We never have been and never will be. That is an outdated delusional representation created from the collective consciousness of fear that began long ago.

We like what we like and we are who we are.

And because our desires and dreams are how God uniquely wants to express Itself through us, we deserve to own them and honor them. It is our Divine Right to honor and pursue them, and nobody can tell us otherwise.

What happens if I don’t feel worthy desires + dreams or that they are possible for me?

For my book, one of my interviewees was Suzy Batiz, the founder of Poo-Pourri (and one of the wealthiest self-made women in America), describes the following:

1. Ideas themselves are alive.
Everything in life is seeking more life-force energy.
3. Ideas are only drawn to a “resonant” host that could bring it more life-force.
4. Therefore, based on the laws of physics and energetic resonance — if you could not pull off the idea, it could never have come to you.

What happens if I make a mistake or miss an opportunity?

Whatever is meant for you will never ‘miss’ you. There is no “loss” in Divine Mind / the Mind of God.

If a person/thing/situation is meant for you, it will absolutely always find its way to you — in a means of “This — or something better.”

There are no mistakes. Challenges and loss only appear as mistakes because of our highly-limited (earthly) perspective and way of thinking.

As Napoleon Hill said in Think & Grow Rich: “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”

The “mistakes” are never actually mistakes, but rather pre-planned aspects of this grand journey that we designed for ourselves when we chose to incarnate. They were always fated because they are a critical part for us to actualize our destiny.

Additional sources that help comprise this whole theory that I’ve stitched together:

  • The Laws of Hermeticism (predates religion), such as “As Within, So Without; As Above, So Below.” Our external physical reality is merely a reflection of our internal world.
  • The Human Design System — for me, this has been the most powerful tool of self-discovery that I’ve ever come across. It shows us how our energy works, our gifts/possible challenges, gives us strategies for decision-making, and even what our soul is here to do. Because this has proven so true for me in such an uncanny way, this was the final bit of proof I needed to believe that we live in an orderly Universe. To me, it proves that we are deliberately designed and wired with specific talents and a purpose (and we have the free will to play that out in countless different ways). While the world will condition us to conform or doubt ourselves/our true nature, I believe that being the grandest authentic expression of ourselves is the most noble thing that we can do in this life.
  • The idea of “soul contracts,” my favorite book being this one. That we chose to incarnate — but we made agreements with other people that would be in our lives and experiences we would have (from the most magical to the most harrowing). To those who have trouble with their families: What if you chose them with full omniscience of what would happen?!
  • There are multiple “Law of Attraction” books, my favorite being this one, because I appreciate its simple wording and clear explanations.
  • Additional favorite books that shaped my framework on this topic: The Game of Life And How To Play It, The Master Key System, The Science Of Getting Rich, and the books from Dr. Joe Dispenza.

Thank you very much for reading!

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Additional links and ways to engage with me:

  • Here’s the link to my book, for those that wish to follow along.
  • I’m also playing around with my own podcast. Also aiming to get into YouTube shortly.
  • Have ideas for ways we could work together or just want to say hi? I’d love to hear from you — contact me here!
  • Please follow me on here (or subscribe to my Substack so you can receive posts right in your inbox!).



Jared Gold

Pursuing becoming the world's greatest interviewer and talk show host / working on distilling the laws of the Universe